Best Customer Referral Programs

The best customer referral programs provide businesses with a steady stream of referrals which can help any struggling business increase revenue. To optimize your referral program, it needs time to develop as word of mouth is king when it comes to marketing…but doesn’t happen overnight. It’s critical to realize the return on investment will be worth it in the end.

When you choose Extole, you get not only our platform but a relationship with a team of advocacy experts who are devoted to your success.

The best customer referral programs take into account:

  • Timing – Your referral program needs to be front and center and simple
  • Tracking – Identify advocates and referred friends automatically
  • Ensuring Advocates Get Rewarded – Rewarding advocates should be automatic when their friends buy, whether the correct code was used or not.

See how Extole is one of the best customer referral programs on the market by downloading the guide now.

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Unlock the power of your customers’ engagement and advocacy today with Extole’s industry-leading expertise and technology.