Brand Advocate

A brand advocate is in essence someone who talks about your products and services enthusiastically because of prior purchases and experiences. This happens in the form of a referral or word of mouth recommendation.

Extole is the perfect platform to expand upon what you would like to define as a brand advocate. Do you want to pay someone to be the centerpiece of referral marketing? How about establishing a refer a friend campaign and take advantage of a larger audience?

With Extole, you can start marketing through customers-not to customers by:

  • Building advocate profiles and gathering social data about them
  • Quickly delivering and optimizing a sharing experience tailored for your brand using our customizable themes
  • Rewarding advocates for a share or referral of friends with coupon codes, gift cards, account credit, gift with purchase, or loyalty points

Recognize brand advocates that do it right. Download the best practices guide and setup a refer a friend program to start using your customers reach as a business advantage.

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Make customer-led growth a reality.

Unlock the power of your customers’ engagement and advocacy today with Extole’s industry-leading expertise and technology.