How To Build A Referral Program

A referral is the trusted recommendation you get from an individual, whether it be a family member, friend, or someone you have asked advice from. As a business owner, having your existing customers quick to speak positively of your products or services is the ultimate goal. IF done correctly, how you build a referral program goes a long way towards rewarding loyal customers who send referrals your way.

Extole’s platform helps reach people otherwise out of the loop by conventional marketing channels, whether by choice or not. Looking at your referral program from the perspective of the customer is key, and Extole can help.

Strategies for building a referral program using Extole are to:

  1. Design your referrals to be seamless and easy –  Make both sides of the referral process simple
  2. Hype your referral program early and often -Marketing campaigns are not state secrets; let people know about it
  3. Give personalized context – Personal referrals are what converts friends and family into loyal customers
  4. Make referrals happen everywhere – Email, social media, laptops, mobile, and tablets, cover it all

Let Extole show you how a referral leads to more customers, who then send out more referrals gaining you more new business.

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