Referral Tracking Software

Referral tracking software allows you understand who advocates are sharing with, what drives them to share, and where they want to share a referral. Having a referral program in place is more than just letting someone else handle your new customer acquisition. It is getting a deeper connection and understanding of your advocates to improve your business.

In order to better understand your advocates, you need to have a profile that details the interactions. User profiles are nothing new, but advocacy is about relationships.

With Extole, your referral tracking software will:

  • Create thousands of advocates and automatically gather first-party and social network data about them
  • Push Advocates Toward the Right Social Channels
  • Make Sure Advocates Get the Reward They Deserve
  • Get the Scoop on How Customers Describe Your Product

To get the best results out of your referral tracking software, your referral program needs to feel personalized to each user. Download the guide now and see how Extole can help with your data tracking.

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