Marketing Software Programs

How do you ensure your product has staying power in the open market? A marketing software program that can transform customers into brand advocates is the next big thing to hit the consumer space. With a program geared towards referral marketing, you have the power the ensure the longevity of your brand, and you can turn your customers into your biggest brand champions. With Extole, you can acquire loyal customers and up the ante on your referral program with the ability to target your biggest customer influencers with the right analytics. Extole’s referral marketing platform can enhance your customer experience and take your business over the edge.

With Extole, you can create seamless referral experiences from start to finish with:

  • Automatic influencer segments to identify major influencers and revenue drivers
  • Extensive analytics to give you insight on how your brand is doing where it matters most: the social sphere
  • Customized refer-a-friend capabilities that match your brand

Make the switch to Extole today; download our 2016 Referral Guide and start turning loyal customers into brand advocates.

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Make customer-led growth a reality.

Unlock the power of your customers’ engagement and advocacy today with Extole’s industry-leading expertise and technology.